Curtain Call: RE/PLAY Dance Edit

replay edm2

The performance of RE/PLAY Dance Edit ended last month, and we would like to thank everyone who came down and show their support!

We’ve been catching up with some audience members after each show, and also got to hear some of your thoughts and questions during the post-show discussion on the first two nights.

‘Initially found the steps and repetition tiresome. But eventually saw the energy they put into each repetition that finally exploded so colourfully’.

Koh Xin Rui Eleora, 18 Feb

 ‘It was interesting how the different dancers never crossed each others’ paths – almost like different realities all occuring in the same space’.

Clarice Handouo, 20 Feb


Some of our audience members shared how this performance had even challenged their understanding of dance.

‘The dancers as a vessel for meaningbut I feel this time I get to see the dancer’s body more’ – Akbar, 17 Feb

‘Yes, very much so – is it crucial to know what dance means? Is it different every time? I have lots of questions now’. – Sabrina Wong Si Hwei, 18 Feb


Our audience members also shared with us their thoughts on the space in 72-13.

It looks like the old days of town in Singapore’ – Tok Jot Tat, 17 Feb

I’m able to view things both as an audience member and part of the piece’ – Sabrina Wong Si Hwei, 18 Feb

Very open, leaves a good amount of performance to interpretation’ – Clarice Handouo, 20 Feb


We’re glad to hear that many of our audience members enjoyed, and we hope to see you all again soon!


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